Hen or Rooster? And any guesses on breed mix?


In the Brooder
May 28, 2020
Redding, CA
In May we purchased four chicks for our city yard from a local who raises chickens and eggs.
2 are Sapphire Gems - 1 definitely a hen, the other a roo who has already been relocated đŸ˜„
2 are barn mix - one a brahma or brahma mix (pretty sure she's a hen), the other a barred rock mix who we're on the fence about gender

This is Candy who is about 2 months old. Is it a hen? or a Rooster? What mix do you think? Barred rock and ...?



This is Pearl. She is about 2 months +. Is she straight Brahma or a mix? Hopefully she is a she?

According to the breeder, possible parents for both are:
Roosters: Jersey Giant, Light Brahma, Frizzle and Silkie, Plymouth Rocks
Hens: Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Light Brahma, RIR, Leghorn, Americauna, Australorp, Silver laced Wyandotte, Orpingtons

Thanks for the help!
This comes from my experience from the two breeds I am not an expert. Candy doesn’t look like a straight barred rock as all my barred rocks have single straight combs. Dominiques have rose combs and if she is that I can 95% guarantee it’s a pullet from the color of the comb and both barred rock and Dominique roosters have black Bars on white while hens have white bars on black.

This is my Dominique rooster Remi for reference
This comes from my experience from the two breeds I am not an expert. Candy doesn’t look like a straight barred rock as all my barred rocks have single straight combs. Dominiques have rose combs and if she is that I can 95% guarantee it’s a pullet from the color of the comb and both barred rock and Dominique roosters have black Bars on white while hens have white bars on black. View attachment 2265958
This is my Dominique rooster Remi for reference

This is true, I don't think s/he is a pure Barred Rock, mostly due to the comb. It's some other features, that make me question it. I suppose s/he isn't fully grown yet so of course this will likely change even more. I also took into consideration that the breeder didn't say he had a Dominique. :)
Thanks for all the feedback! The breeder did think as a chick it was an Australorp mix but that doesn't seem to line up either... the dark part of the barring does have a blue/greenish shimmer like an australorp would but the comb would be wrong once again so I was thinking it must be something else... That comb just has me stumped!!
Also, the neighbors supposedly heard crowing from our side of the fence (they also have chicks) but we haven't heard a thing yet so we'll see I guess!

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