In the Brooder
In May we purchased four chicks for our city yard from a local who raises chickens and eggs.
2 are Sapphire Gems - 1 definitely a hen, the other a roo who has already been relocated
2 are barn mix - one a brahma or brahma mix (pretty sure she's a hen), the other a barred rock mix who we're on the fence about gender
This is Candy who is about 2 months old. Is it a hen? or a Rooster? What mix do you think? Barred rock and ...?
This is Pearl. She is about 2 months +. Is she straight Brahma or a mix? Hopefully she is a she?
According to the breeder, possible parents for both are:
Roosters: Jersey Giant, Light Brahma, Frizzle and Silkie, Plymouth Rocks
Hens: Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Light Brahma, RIR, Leghorn, Americauna, Australorp, Silver laced Wyandotte, Orpingtons
Thanks for the help!
2 are Sapphire Gems - 1 definitely a hen, the other a roo who has already been relocated
2 are barn mix - one a brahma or brahma mix (pretty sure she's a hen), the other a barred rock mix who we're on the fence about gender
This is Candy who is about 2 months old. Is it a hen? or a Rooster? What mix do you think? Barred rock and ...?
This is Pearl. She is about 2 months +. Is she straight Brahma or a mix? Hopefully she is a she?
According to the breeder, possible parents for both are:
Roosters: Jersey Giant, Light Brahma, Frizzle and Silkie, Plymouth Rocks
Hens: Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Light Brahma, RIR, Leghorn, Americauna, Australorp, Silver laced Wyandotte, Orpingtons
Thanks for the help!