Hen pecking chick vents until bloody. Wound care help please.


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2024
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone. Looking for some advice. One of my Duccle hens hatched out her first chicks. She's 6 or 7 months old. The chicks are 10 days old today. Everything was going well until tonight I hear what sounds like distress from the chicks. Mama hen has pecked two of the chicks around the vent area until they were bloody. I removed the hen and added a brooder plate. I wasn't sure if I should remove just the two chicks she is pecking or if I should remove her. I don't have supplies for two brooders tonight so I removed her to the coop. Now I need some advice with wound care. Should I be applying anything to the vent wounds? Should I be washing them or soaking them? Or just leaving them be to heal?
I think you did the right thing by separating the hen from the chicks. I would apply antibiotic ointment to their vents.
Vetericin would be fine as would Neosporin or any other ointment you might have on hand. Even Vaseline would help keep the wounds 'moistened'.

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