Hen slept outside in below freezing temps


In the Brooder
Nov 14, 2023
Rhode island
This morning I went out to bring my flock fresh water and fill feeders around 7am. We have a Run Chicken automatic door, which had not yet opened. I had a hen perched on the ramp, outside the door. She clearly slept outside the coop last night and overnight lows were about 5ºF without windchill.
I scooped her up and sat with her for a bit, warming her inside my coat. Her comb looks frostbitten at the tips. She seems ok, she protested being snuggled, walked around fine when I did put her down, and ate/drank normally.
I am obviously going to keep an eye on her, and go check on them before bed tonight to ensure everyone is in. Anything else I should be worried about or keep an eye out for? please be kind, I feel terrible.
editing to add, she is a Red Star production cross from McMurray Hatchery, incase it matters
This morning I went out to bring my flock fresh water and fill feeders around 7am. We have a Run Chicken automatic door, which had not yet opened. I had a hen perched on the ramp, outside the door. She clearly slept outside the coop last night and overnight lows were about 5ºF without windchill.
I scooped her up and sat with her for a bit, warming her inside my coat. Her comb looks frostbitten at the tips. She seems ok, she protested being snuggled, walked around fine when I did put her down, and ate/drank normally.
I am obviously going to keep an eye on her, and go check on them before bed tonight to ensure everyone is in. Anything else I should be worried about or keep an eye out for? please be kind, I feel terrible.
Oh that poor little hen! I'm so sorry you went through that! Shes probably fine if she ate and drank and walked around! Keep your eye on her. what breed and age is she? Same temps here in CT. Maybe offer her a little scrambled egg with her feed this morning? Electrolytes in the water helps too. Hey! Live and learn and always check the chooks! As long as everyone is moving around and acting chicken-ish, you should be fine. She'll forgive you :hugs
Oh that poor little hen! I'm so sorry you went through that! Shes probably fine if she ate and drank and walked around! Keep your eye on her. what breed and age is she? Same temps here in CT. Maybe offer her a little scrambled egg with her feed this morning? Electrolytes in the water helps too. Hey! Live and learn and always check the chooks! As long as everyone is moving around and acting chicken-ish, you should be fine. She'll forgive you :hugs
thank you. that's all great ideas. She is not quite a year old, and a red production cross (RI Red based breed). and yes I am right up the road in southern RI. It is COLD!
Sorry about your hen.it is good that she seems okay except for the frostbite. Can you get a picture of her and the comb later? I am not a fan of automatic coop doors for that reason, but realize they may be necessary. I learned the hard way to do a head count every evening to make sure that all are accounted for. Let us know how she gets along.

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