Hen stopped laying after shell broke inside her


Oct 10, 2023
I have a 1yo hen who had an egg break inside her a week ago. She had had shell quality issues that got better, then worse, then the break. She was pretty unwell for a couple days then recovered.

She has been doing great but hasn't laid an egg since. I did calcium for a few days then stopped. She's on layer crumble, free choice oyster shell and grit. I added limestone grit the other day.

Should I worry about the lack of laying? How long does it usually take to start laying again? Just want to make sure she's well.
Hello! I'm so sorry. I would continue with calcium citrate and perhaps give her an Epsom salt bath? Is her crop full at night?
Thanks, yes she's eating normally and emptying her crop normally. The epsom salts baths seem to stress her out rather than helping and she doesn't seem to be stressed or trying to pass an egg, just not laying at all. Is the idea that the calcium citrate will stimulate her to lay? We gave it for 2 weeks about a month ago when shell issues started and I was told if the issue was a calcium deficiency that would have solved it.
I have had this problem, and my hen did not make it. I would try a antibiotic if you see her not eating, drinking and if she is constantly sleeping, give her some vitamins, I recomend, "Poultry Nutri-Drentch." In her water, offer them oyster shells and grit, and provide a feed with oyster shell flour in it. That way she and the flock will have the nutrients and calcium for the eggs. As that depletes them badly. It will take her 2-5 days to start egging, it depends on how constant she lays. Hope this helps!
I have had this problem, and my hen did not make it. I would try a antibiotic if you see her not eating, drinking and if she is constantly sleeping, give her some vitamins, I recomend, "Poultry Nutri-Drentch." In her water, offer them oyster shells and grit, and provide a feed with oyster shell flour in it. That way she and the flock will have the nutrients and calcium for the eggs. As that depletes them badly. It will take her 2-5 days to start egging, it depends on how constant she lays. Hope this helps!
Thanks, that helps. Yes she was on antibiotic last week, plus the vitamins in their water. She seems to feel totally fine which is great but the lack of laying 8 days later tells me something is still not quite right.

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