hen suddenly barely moving


Sep 22, 2024
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Self blue d'uccle, ~40 wks old, normal weight
2) What is the behavior, exactly. Sitting motionless by self, unresponsive (except for some motion in eyes) when picked up and examined
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? Seemed fine yesterday
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? No
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Just lost chicken two weeks ago to what we are pretty sure was coryza
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. Water with cider vinegar and probiotics, organic pellets (18-20% protein), backyard bugs etc.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Treat at home (have many first aid supplies, but little experience)
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use Free range, pine shavings for bedding in coop
Pictures of the bird might help. Can you get her to stand or move? Is she sitting in a normal position? Are her eyes responsive,moving, looking at you, or just open? Put her somewhere safe, on clean towels or puppypads, so that if she does poop, you can get a good look. Give as much information as possible, so we can try to help. Check her over very thoroughly looking for anything, signs of lice/mites, any wounds or bruising hiding in feathers, is her crop empty, full, soft and squishy, hard, etc. Do you know when she last laid?
Can you get her to stand or move? No, if we stand her up, she sits down and stays down. Is she sitting in a normal position? Yes, except that her head is drooping. Are her eyes responsive,moving, looking at you, or just open? Mostly just open. Put her somewhere safe, on clean towels or puppypads, so that if she does poop, you can get a good look. Give as much information as possible, so we can try to help. Check her over very thoroughly looking for anything, signs of lice/mites, I might have seen one lice but there is no other evidence any wounds or bruising hiding in feathers Hard to know as her feathers are very thick, is her crop empty, full, soft and squishy, hard, etc. Empty Do you know when she last laid? No

Video of her

Is the tip of her beak overgrown making it so it won't close all the way? Or is she just not closing it? If she can't close it, it may be that she's not been getting enough food and is weakened. If you think you saw one lice, I would go over her thoroughly and make sure there are not more, they can really weaken a bird, make them anemic. Look around the vent, under the wings, etc. Lice will leave nits around the bases of feather shafts. Link below has some pictures. If you drip some water into the tip of her beak, will she swallow it? Do you know for sure if she was laying normally before now? Sorry for so many questions, have to try to narrow things down. If you put some scrambled egg right in front of her, is she interested? If you put a finger under her foot will she grasp it? If you hold her up, hand on each side, will she lower her legs at all, put any weight on them at all? If you can video that, on a surface where we can see the legs and feet, might be helpful. When examining a bird you have to part feathers everywhere and look down to the skin, feathers hide a lot. You said she was a normal weight, does her keel bone feel very prominent and sharp, or is it well muscled?

Tagging a couple of other members who may have more thoughts.

@Wyorp Rock

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