Hen that is gasping for breath...HELP PLEASE!


8 Years
Jun 8, 2016
I have a hen who has suddenly gone very quiet, does not mix with the flock and goes away to be on her own. She's not eating or drinking and seems to be very tired and has a lack of energy. I have seperated her and she is not coughing ir sneezing no discharge from the nose or eyes but every now and then she starts gaping. Her wattles and combs also seems to be a decent red colour too...
I think we have had some microplasm in the flock and those that have been affected have recovered but they were very snotty and sneezing but this other hen isn't suffering from these symptoms...
I know you can't cure microplasm you just have to be wary and manage it but this seems to be something different and I am wondering if it is gapeworm? I am based in the UK...
Gapeworm is considered more of a rare affliction, but if you were to treat it, Fenbendazole, ivermectin or levamasole would be what's used per Meyer Hatchery.

I think they all could benefit from a vitamin regiment. Do you have Poultry Cell or something on that order for their water? This would help them in fighting what they've got. Also probiotics might help too by putting in some good bacteria to help fight off the bad.

I would try see if she'd eat scrambled eggs. That's always a hit here with all the chickens. Also, when I've wet their crumbles (they all get crumbles), they think that's a treat too. I just put some in a dish and spray water on to soak it.
Thank you for your reply, yes I do put cider vinegar in their water on an adhoc basis and I also put electrolites and probiotiocs in as well from time to time.... This particular bird seems to be recovering now but I now have another with similar symptoms so it looks like something is going round with my bunch....

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