Hen that looks like a rooster?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 23, 2012
Sudbury, MA
I have an EE hen (or what I hope is a hen) that resembles a rooster. Facially she looks like a hen, but she has a rooster-like tail and large feet. She doesn't exhibit any rooster behavior and does not crow. She also doesn't strut or walk upright like a rooster. She's about 4.5 - 5 months old. I have a young roo from the same hatch and he's a lot bigger and does act like a typical rooster. I guess I won't know for sure until she starts laying eggs. Anybody else ever have a hen that looks like this?


"Dude looks like a lady!"

I'm no expert by any means - but I'd guess roo. Maybe not acting very 'rooish' because he's not the top roo in the flock (?)
He is definitely a looker! If I hadn't had my own surprise roo show up recently, I'd love to have him!
I'd actually rather have him than mine. Mine is a Marans. I had picked the breeds that I have mostly for egg color and if I ever decide to let anyone hatch eggs, the babies will all have darker/muddled colored eggs.

(hit submit and then saw my appalling spelling - edited to minimize embarrassment)
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