Hen that looks like an owl


10 Years
Oct 13, 2009
Western NY
Does anyone know what this hen is? I've raised her from a chick. She's about 5 1/2 months old and hasn't laid yet. I'm not sure she's gonna be a good layer. She is not as lively as the other hens and rooster but her color is good. She just acts like an owl in with a bunch of chickens.


she looks like a very cold and ticked off Easter egger mix. is she fluffed up like that all the time? because thats not normal she may be ill.
I'm thinking the same thing. She has her beak open alot and makes a funny sharp piercing noise rather than a peep or cluck.
I agree. If she's staying puffed up like that a lot, something is wrong. She must be an EE mix of some kind. She is marked similarly to my Ginger (see my BYC page). I can't tell whether she has green legs though...
She doesn't seem to have any effect on the rest of the flock but she's been like this for weeks. Even when she was a baby she was a little funny acting and kept to herself alot. She eats well and drinks alot. I'm wondering if she could just be not as healthy as the others. Not sure what to do with her?
Sigh... I'll just continue to watch her and hopefully with the weather warming up, she'll come around. I've gotten very fond of her.

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