Hen w/ a BurstProtrudedAnus & MilkyGoo Vent


11 Years
Dec 3, 2008
Oroville, Northern California
Husband said she was "acting slow"? When he opened her pen this AM.
I checked on her to find her w/ tail drop.
Checking closer I find my Hen w/:
a Burst Protruded Anus w/ maggots & has a Milky drainage from her vent.
She last laid 2 days ago !

I do believe she will die ~ @ 5 years
Can I do anything to relieve her distress ?
Severe Egg Bound, maybe ?
I bet she would love a good nice day at the spa.
Soak her in an epsom salt bath
make sure her bottom area is in the water....
sounds like a good "spa" to use...the drawer.
If you are seeing maggots then you are dealing with flystrike. This can be serious and fatal if not dealt with ASAP. The maggots are basically eating your chicken alive. You need to get rid of every single maggot, and check several times daily for more hatching, and remove. Here are a couple of links that discuss it's causes and treatment: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2014/07/flystrike-in-backyard-chickens-causes.html


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