Hen w/ infected backside swelling, heat and skin dying


Aug 10, 2021
Hello, we have a one year old Australorp in good weight, laying, eating and drinking normally. No poop issues. I noticed she was missing feathers on her rear end and grabbed her as we were inspecting this morning. I was shocked by what I saw. Her body and wing feathers are healthy, eyes clear. All good. No mites, etc. that I could find. She bottom is pretty clean except very bare of feathers. Her vent is normal and clean but below that area is quite swollen, red and hot to the touch. Inside of the reddened area is a spot of about three inches in diameter that looks like a waxy blister. I'm sorry I am struggling to describe it. There isn't any pus or wetness, (her skin is wet in the photos because it was taken after a gentle bath). The skin is breaking down. She has a spot that is starting to bleed on the underside and a few scabs that isn't showing in the picture. I think the area might be dragging on the ground.

We gently cleaned her, bathed the area in iodine and then sprayed it with Rooster Booster Poultry Would spray, a natural tea tree based spray (it is non-stinging....per the bottle). Anyway, she took all this in her stride and is now in a cage preening and drying off.

We have had a case of strike fly in this flock in the past but I didn't find any maggots, nothing.

Any help wold be greatly appreciated. We no longer have a farm vet in the area nor anyone too interested in seeing a chicken. On top of that, I have to lie and say she is a pet and we do not eat the eggs for a "pet vet" to see her due to some state regulations.

Thank you.

Photo....vent in upper right hand corner.
-missing rear feathers....body and wing feather everywhere else in very good shape
- infected....area hot to the touch, swollen and red. Vent area normal in color and fine.
-"waxy" area is breaking down


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Yes, that looks angry, and could open or become infested with fly larvae at any time. You might consider making a chicken sling to get her up off the lower belly. She may have ascites or fluid in her belly, or internally laid lash egg material inside making her belly so big. You also could consider putting her down, if her quality of life is not good to prevent suffering. If she doesn’t use a sling, make sure that she has very dry bedding under her to lie on. Clean old towels would work. Sorry that she has this problem, but good you caught it before fly strike.
Eggcessive, thank you for your quick reply. I will look up "internally laid lash egg material" so I can better understand. She does not drag on the ground when she is standing or walking. I wasn't very clear. (I tried to make my post sound calm but I feel panic!) She is a big girl with a large butt, I am hoping the swelling is in the skin and not her abdomen. I will try to get a better picture. She is her happy self as of today but we will be watching her quality of life and will do what is best for her.

Do you have any guesses on what could cause this skin issue? Do you think it is exposure to the ground as lays down or roosts at night? I think we are dealing with a skin issue but am not sure if that is the main problem or secondary issue caused by something else.

Thanks again

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