Hen with a swollen bottom


12 Years
Nov 14, 2010
This is Luna, my three-year-old black sex link.

As the title says, she has a very swollen bottom, and has had it for quite a while. Every time I've heard of this happening due to an egg-laying problem, it came on somewhat suddenly, but Luna has been swollen for probably a month or more. She carries on life just fine with all the other chickens. She eats and drinks normally and is bright and energetic. The only thing different about her is her swollen butt. When she stands and walks, it's large enough to almost be on the ground, as you can see here:

She doesn't stand up like a penguin like the last hen I had with a swollen bottom, so I don't think it's the same problem. (Unfortunately, I never got to find out what that hen's problem was, because the neighbor's dog killed her.
Anyway, Luna's swollen butt wasn't very big for a while, but now it's getting bigger, and I've realized this must be something she won't get over on her own. My first thought was worms, but her appetite is fine, her poo looks normal, and all 22 of my other chickens are perfectly healthy. She's the only one with this condition. She's getting rather heavy, and though she's acting the same as usual, it's beginning to concern me. Any ideas as to what this problem is?
Here's a closer look. Not the best picture, but she's a bit timid and won't hold still long enough for me to take a better picture. Anyway, you can see she's started losing feathers on her swollen area as well.
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It unfortunately sounds like it could be internal laying. Hens abdomens will gradually grow, because yolks are being developed, just not being laid. Unfortunately, the buildup of yolks then gets infected, causing egg yolk peritonitis. You can't really treat it, but hens with the problem can live for quite a while without suffering.
It could also be ascites, or water belly. I know less about that subject, but you can look up threads on both possibilities in the search bar at the top of the forums.
Best of luck with finding out what's wrong with your hen.
Is there anything I can do about that?

(Sorry I didn't reply until now--bad internet connection.)
Well, you could get a syringe and see if you could pull out any liquid from the swollen stomach. Depending on what you get out, you may be able to tell whether its ascites or internal laying.
Do you know if she's been laying while her stomach has grown?
hey our hen has this exact problem. I gave her a short bath in epsom salt (hard to get where I live, so got only little bit) but her belly is soft and I believe it is acummulating the yolk and white without external shell. I also got some rubber gloves with olive oil and tried to help her with my finger but I didnt get far because there is another layer of some internal organ that is enclosed and full of that liquid...
I could stick it further on the bottom but not much maybe an inch, but couldn't on top. and thought if I know anatomy, maybe I can go further with my finger...but by touching it didn't let me as I said.

another option is I have a siringe as a last option, because she looks like she s gonna burst. so any suggestion, I can stick a needle in her vent and puncture the other layer that is full of liquid?

I mean, my parents are gonna kill it probably as vet suggested, but I thought I try this
Well, you could get a syringe and see if you could pull out any liquid from the swollen stomach. Depending on what you get out, you may be able to tell whether its ascites or internal laying.
Do you know if she's been laying while her stomach has grown?
hello, do you suggest to stick a needle through stomach or the vent? because I could touch as I said of another baloon like layer just near the vent, so i wasn't sure where and how should I stick the needle....I dont want her to suffer

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