Hen with eye issue


Orneriness & Co.
Nov 9, 2019
Rim Country, Az
This morning I heard squabbling in the coop and I found one of my 2 year old hens hiding in the corner.
She's not keen on opening one eye and when she does, it looks like the eye has been pushed in a little and the clear part of the eye is tinted orange.
She can use one the other fine, I can't tell if she can see or not out of the injured one.
There are no visible marks on the eye.
She was bloody near the back of the scalp but it's already scabbed over.
She's acting normal, but a little slow.
I have terramycin ointment but I don't want to use it if not necessary.
Good eye 20240105_132041.jpg
I would rinse the eye with normal saline twice a day, then apply the Terramycin ointment into the eye. There is no danger in using the antibiotic ointment, and no egg withdrawal time. A vet might prescribe an eyedrop with both antibiotic and dexamethasone (a steroid) for the eye injury, but that is prescription only from a vet. Is she low in the pecking order? If she is picked on, I might separate her within the coop.
I would rinse the eye with normal saline twice a day, then apply the Terramycin ointment into the eye. There is no danger in using the antibiotic ointment, and no egg withdrawal time. A vet might prescribe an eyedrop with both antibiotic and dexamethasone (a steroid) for the eye injury, but that is prescription only from a vet. Is she low in the pecking order? If she is picked on, I might separate her within the coop.
Thanks, ill do that. She's usually the one judo flipping everyone else, so no, she's not low on the order. I wasn't sure of the Terramycin would be appropriate if it's neurological?
Can you see that the eye is dilated? What do you think caused this and what's going on, if you can tell?
The pupil might be larger on that side if there was less light. Perhaps, a more clear picture of the eye tomorrow might help. If a pupil is dilated, and the other is not, look for any cloudiness inside the pupil which could be a cataract. You could shine a flashlight in the eye to see if it constricts or gets smaller. But if she was head injured, then the large pupil could be neurological. The ointment would do no harm either way.
The pupil might be larger on that side if there was less light. Perhaps, a more clear picture of the eye tomorrow might help. If a pupil is dilated, and the other is not, look for any cloudiness inside the pupil which could be a cataract. You could shine a flashlight in the eye to see if it constricts or gets smaller. But if she was head injured, then the large pupil could be neurological. The ointment would do no harm either way.
I'm actually more concerned with wasting the terramycin on something that doesn't need it, we know it's getting hard to get.
Her eye wasn't like this last night when I put them away.
But here's a few more photos.
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The pupil doesn’t look sharply outlined, so I do think it looks a bit off. You can also use plain Neosporin ointment in the eye if you want to save the Terramycin. I have done that with no problem.

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