Hen won't lay eggs in new coop


Jun 6, 2024
Eastern USA
My hen Hermie just moved into a new coop because she was being badly bullied in the other flock. She has been in there for a week and a half and still refuses to lay eggs there. There are two laying boxes, one stacked on the other. But when she has to lay an egg, she paces and pants until I feel like I'm stressingbher out too much, and I let her out. She runs over to her old coop and paces to get in there, then lays her eggs in the box in there. I'm really confused. Her new boxes are not much different than her old ones. They're a few square inches smaller and they are a different color but I don't see why that would make her refuse to lay in there. She seems very comfortable in her new home until she has to lay an egg. What can I do to get her to lay eggs in her new laying box?
Chickens hate change, and it can take them a bit to adjust. They are creatures of habit like us, and pick favorite spots to lay. I had some hens do this, how we broke this was we put fake eggs or golfballs into the nest boxes, and just closed them in the coop for the next few days. They eventually used the nesting boxes, since there was no where else to go. They now use the new coop's nesting boxes with no problems. It just will probably take some time for her to learn. Hopefully, this helps for your ladies!
Chickens hate change, and it can take them a bit to adjust. They are creatures of habit like us, and pick favorite spots to lay. I had some hens do this, how we broke this was we put fake eggs or golfballs into the nest boxes, and just closed them in the coop for the next few days. They eventually used the nesting boxes, since there was no where else to go. They now use the new coop's nesting boxes with no problems. It just will probably take some time for her to learn. Hopefully, this helps for your ladies!
Thank you so much! I have been putting eggs in her new laying boxes , and I'll keep doing that to see if it will help. I'll give her time. Thanks!
Thank you so much! I have been putting eggs in her new laying boxes , and I'll keep doing that to see if it will help. I'll give her time. Thanks!
You're welcome, I hope it helps! It does feels painful to watch them pace back and forth and see them stressed... But they will eventually just lay the egg, and then learn. So hopefully your feather babies start doing that! :)
Make sure her new nesting boxes seem comfy enough. You may need to add a little more bedding to the new boxes so she knows they're a good place to lay.

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