
Never say Never
Mar 8, 2022
I have 2 Black Sex Links that I rescued as chicks some months ago; they were pretty sick back then, but managed to pull through. They're about 7-8 months old now, and one has been laying for about a month now, but her sister (Dotty) has yet to lay.
The girls were in the same cage for a while (their coop isn't ready) and since the laying hen is dominant, I wondered if she was bullying her sister. I've separated them since & they both seem happy, but Dotty still hasn't laid a single egg. Her comb also seems pale. Is she sick? She eats well & is perky- I have given her supplements to see if it'll help, but nothing so far. Any ideas as to why she hasn't laid?
Thank you in advance!
It just might not be her time yet. I had a Buff Orpington that I thought would never lay. She finally laid her first egg at 11 months 2 weeks. Just because she hasn't laid when most hens might have laid does not mean something is wrong with her or that there is anything you can do to make her start to lay.

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