I had broody hen and decided to take advantage of it by getting some fertilized eggs. She was a great momma and had her own mini coop to raise them. At 4 1/2 weeks she joined her old flock and the chicks slept in the "nursery coop." A couple months later she went broody again so I got her more eggs and kicked the chicks out of the nursery.
I had two Rhode Island Reds that were awesome egg layers and friendly to me, but very aggressive with the other chickens. They even killed and cannabilised another chicken last winter and almost did the same to another. I decided to give them to a coworker who has free range chickens and roosters thinking they'd be better as "big fish in a big pond." And they've been doing great in their new environment, quickly (and violently) making their way to the top of the pecking order.
So momma is in her nursery with her eggs, and the remaining hen, who was definitely the bottom of the pecking order before, now attacks my two 3 months old chicks when they go in the coop. As a result they won't go in and instead sleep outside.
The main coop is HUGE for the number or chickens I have. I don't have a problem with predators and it's still warm, but our winters are brutal and I have to get them in coop. Anyone have any suggestions?
I had two Rhode Island Reds that were awesome egg layers and friendly to me, but very aggressive with the other chickens. They even killed and cannabilised another chicken last winter and almost did the same to another. I decided to give them to a coworker who has free range chickens and roosters thinking they'd be better as "big fish in a big pond." And they've been doing great in their new environment, quickly (and violently) making their way to the top of the pecking order.
So momma is in her nursery with her eggs, and the remaining hen, who was definitely the bottom of the pecking order before, now attacks my two 3 months old chicks when they go in the coop. As a result they won't go in and instead sleep outside.
The main coop is HUGE for the number or chickens I have. I don't have a problem with predators and it's still warm, but our winters are brutal and I have to get them in coop. Anyone have any suggestions?