Hens not laying for a month


Free Ranging
7 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Dietrich, Idaho
Hi everyone,

I know I posted about this a while ago, and the response was that I had to give the chickens some time after a stray dog attack for them to start laying eggs again.

Well, I’ve given them a month, and they’re still not laying. I’m wondering if it’s something about the temperature or the daylight hours.

Don’t get me wrong, their behavior is normal. They’ve completely recovered from the stray dog attack, however, I’m not getting any eggs right now.

Is there something I can do to help them lay eggs, or do I have to wait till spring? Can someone please help me figure this out?

Here are some things I have noticed, and some data about the weather.

One chicken is missing feathers on her back neck, as if the other chickens are picking them off. I’ve seen this before, and it usually means I need to up the protein in their feed.

The weather has been pretty cold, here’s a picture of the forecast.


That’s all the data I can give right now. If someone can help me figure out why they’re not laying, and how to motivate them to lay more in the winter, I will greatly appreciate it.

Most of my older hens haven't started back laying yet. I don't generally expect them to until March or so. The laying cycle is driven by light, and it is increasing now which will start them back up. If you want eggs during early winter than adding new birds every season helps.

What type of ration are you feeding? If they are picking feathers I would increase the protein. Feed either a non medicated chick starter, or an all flock ration with at least 18% protein. Always provide a separate dish of oyster shells for the calcium needs.

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