Hello, this is our second year of having chickens. Got 5 last year in the spring and they have been laying for a year now. Then this spring we got 6 more who haven't started laying yet.
Curious though, from the original 5 - one of my Buff orpingtons (we have 2) stopped laying about a month ago, behaves and eats normally. I have two California Whites and one lost a bunch of feathers (molting?) Wasn't laying then started laying tiny eggs again. But now both my whites are not laying eggs (over this past week). Again, everyone looks/behaves/eats/drinks/poops normally... so should we be worried? Are they done laying for good? How long (other than over the winter) do hens go without laying?
Thank you in advance for any insight!
Curious though, from the original 5 - one of my Buff orpingtons (we have 2) stopped laying about a month ago, behaves and eats normally. I have two California Whites and one lost a bunch of feathers (molting?) Wasn't laying then started laying tiny eggs again. But now both my whites are not laying eggs (over this past week). Again, everyone looks/behaves/eats/drinks/poops normally... so should we be worried? Are they done laying for good? How long (other than over the winter) do hens go without laying?
Thank you in advance for any insight!