Hens together in the cold


10 Years
Oct 17, 2014
Bitterroot Valley, MT
I have 7 hens and 1 rooster, the rooster is new as of last spring and has been a bit of a bully. We've worked on his behavior and his hormones have tempered so he doesn't bother my older hens anymore. The problem is that I have 2 that do not want to hang out with the flock during the day. They started this when the rooster was overly aggressive towards them this summer. They still go in the coop at night and roost with 2 other hens. The 3 other hens and rooster roost together at night on the opposite side of the coop.
The 2 isolators hang out behind the coop during the day, in the cold, in the shade. I'm worried they will get frostbite as it's been in the low teens. The spot they hang out in barely receives any sun. We have taken to locking up the rest of the group in the coop for a bit, then putting scratch in the sun and letting my 2 ladies eat. They stay a few minutes then go right back to their favorite shady spot. I don't feel it's doing either of them any good and my one hen is looking a bit unkempt.
They free range and have plenty of room, but don't like walking in the snow.
Not sure what to help my 2 ladies out who are isolating themselves from the rest of the flock in the day.
Those temps in general don't worry me too much, but I do think a health check is in order for your older girls just to make sure they're doing OK. Other than that there's not really anything else I'd do other than make sure your coop is well ventilated and draft free (excess humidity is a major cause of frostbite) and observe your older girls carefully
Those temps in general don't worry me too much, but I do think a health check is in order for your older girls just to make sure they're doing OK. Other than that there's not really anything else I'd do other than make sure your coop is well ventilated and draft free (excess humidity is a major cause of frostbite) and observe your older girls carefully
I will do another health check and yes the coop is well-ventilated and draft-free. I live in an arid climate, so very low humidity. I do keep tabs on the temp and humidity in the coop. The 2 girls in question do not go in the coop during the day, just hang out in their favorite spot all day, then head in at night. This is just the first winter they haven't gone free-ranging much at all and stay rather stationary during the day.
I will do another health check and yes the coop is well-ventilated and draft-free. I live in an arid climate, so very low humidity. I do keep tabs on the temp and humidity in the coop. The 2 girls in question do not go in the coop during the day, just hang out in their favorite spot all day, then head in at night. This is just the first winter they haven't gone free-ranging much at all and stay rather stationary during the day.
:frow I just saw you are from the Bitterroot Valley! I lived in Hamilton back in 1975 or so. Such beautiful country! Not to hijack this thread, but I just wanted to say how much I loved it there. Backpacked up to Tin Cup Lake, picked Lambert cherries up around Flathead Lake, and ate huckleberries till I almost foundered myself, lol! Am in SE MO now but will never forget the Skalkaho River. :love

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