Hey y'all!


In the Brooder
May 1, 2015
Blue ridge mountains
I'm a brand new member that's just looking for a good place to get facts and help raising my chickens. My husband and I are just starting our adventure with raising our own hens for eggs and are really excited about it! I have lots of questions so im eager to read some threads and hop in some conversations.

So glad you have joined us. What a lovely little flock - are they the only three you have? Your blue (grey) bird reminds me of my Easter Egger, Hazel. The little red sex link hen will be loading you down with big, brown eggs and your roo is quite the handsome boy!
So glad you have joined us. What a lovely little flock - are they the only three you have? Your blue (grey) bird reminds me of my Easter Egger, Hazel. The little red sex link hen will be loading you down with big, brown eggs and your roo is quite the handsome boy!
Thank you!! We have a bunch of babies right now as well. 6 bantam Cochins, a few leghorns, and others I can't recal the name of at the moment. We adopted these three after a neighbor couldn't take them while moving, the grey is the only one to have laid so far but I'm excited for when those big brown eggs start coming!
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Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I started my chicken journey with sex link hens and they were super layers and great characters. How nice of you too adopt your neighbours babies from them. Raising chicks is great fun and very rewarding too, I enjoy raising them very much. I have 10 babies at the moment at 4 weeks of age out in the brooding shed and another 27 eggs in my incubator on day 5 so more more on the way! Yay!! I'm sure you will too enjoy raising yours it's great to see them grow and develop there own personalities.

Have you stopped by the learning centre? Lots of articles on raising them and keeping everyone happy and healthy. Here is the link https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

Wishing you the very best of luck with your flock. Be sure to ask any questions, everyone here to help and very friendly.
Enjoy BYC :frow
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I started my chicken journey with sex link hens and they were super layers and great characters. How nice of you too adopt your neighbours babies from them. Raising chicks is great fun and very rewarding too, I enjoy raising them very much. I have 10 babies at the moment at 4 weeks of age out in the brooding shed and another 27 eggs in my incubator on day 5 so more more on the way! Yay!! I'm sure you will too enjoy raising yours it's great to see them grow and develop there own personalities.

Have you stopped by the learning centre? Lots of articles on raising them and keeping everyone happy and healthy. Here is the link https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

Wishing you the very best of luck with your flock. Be sure to ask any questions, everyone here to help and very friendly.
Enjoy BYC :frow

Thank you!!!! I love having baby chicks but I'm so ready for these guys to go outside haha having 12 inside is a major task alongside a toddler and infant. But they are so much fun. I will Read through the learning center for sure. Anything and everything I can do to keep educated.

I always have to remind folks to go to their own state thread. You will get a lot of
great answers to many of your questions from folks close by. :) A lot of different threads
here, about a lot of different things. Have fun!

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