New to backyard chickens. I have 4 ISA Browns… pullets. They are turning in to pretty ladies. I’m from (almost) East Texas… right on the line. We have 4 little ladies. Too young to lay yet.
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Hello and welcome to BYC, You found an Amazing Poultry Community to be a part of with many great knowledgeable members, who are more then willing to jump in and help you along your journey with any questions you may have.
We have four Isa Brown girls also, what amazing egg layers those girls are. Make sure to keep some Calcium Gluconate on hand, they are known to have egg bond issues from time to time.
We have one girl from time to time who will have an egg issue and after one oral dose of 1ml of CG / per 5lbs of bird, she is back to her normal self within 24 hours. Best of luck and please keep us posted .