Hi from an Appenzeller lover!


In the Brooder
Oct 26, 2024
Hi everyone!
I've visit this forum many times to try to find answers to my issues and I am slays amazed at the depth of knowledge in this group!
I live in Victoria , Australia and run a mixed flock that includes 2 Easter Eggers, a Plymouth Rock, a Sussex, a standard Leghorn, a bantam Leghorn, a standard Wyandotte, a Legbar, a Brahma, 2 x cross breed hens, a cross breed rooster, 3 young silkies and my new favourites (but don't tell the others 🤣) 3 Appenzellers pullets and their roo too. I also have 3 hatchings with my Sussex. I started with 5 chooks 3 years ago and things just took off from there. Chooks are amazing and I have learned so much over the course of my chicken journey but I still have a lot to learn.

I have some questions for the Appenzeller people out there:
1. Do you find then harder to successfully breed than other breeds?
2. If so, are there any colours that prove more hardy?

I have been trying to hatch some and so has a friend but so far only black ones seem to survive more than 3 days. I currently have 6 more from my mini flock in my bator so 🤞🏻. The ones we have lost all stayed off ok but quickly grew weak, stopped walking and couldn't even sit up. By day 3 they no longer opened their eyes and they died soon after. I tried feeding them honey water and vitamin b mixed with warm yoghurt with a syringe and this seemed to help a little for a short time.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

I tried them once. I ordered 4 of them and 4 speckled sussex from our feed mill. The four Appenzellar Spitzhauben died within two weeks as did one of the SS. I will never do that again.

I had raised dozens before that and hundreds since that and never had them just die like that. As soon as one looked ill, we bought Corid. I don't think it was coccidiosis, but otherwise, no clue what those had. The three SS that lived were three months old when I sold them.

I've always had silkies, and that's all we raise and breed now.

More power to you though! I think they're so cute!
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

I tried them once. I ordered 4 of them and 4 speckled sussex from our feed mill. The four Appenzellar Spitzhauben died within two weeks as did one of the SS. I will never do that again.

I had raised dozens before that and hundreds since that and never had them just die like that. As soon as one looked ill, we bought Corid. I don't think it was coccidiosis, but otherwise, no clue what those had. The three SS that lived were three months old when I sold them.

I've always had silkies, and that's all we raise and breed now.

More power to you though! I think they're so cute!
I got my appies as pullets from a breeder nearby and they are the best layers I have had and quite friendly too, they even come when called. I've had no trouble with them so far ( only had them 6 weeks or so) but have had loads of eggs from them- I usually get at least 1 egg a day from the 3 of them but at least twice a week I get 3! My silkies are cute but not very friendly and don't like to come when called.
I don't have any personal experience with the breed, besides seeing pictures and thinking they look very cute! The reviews on AS seem pretty good! I read through them and only a few people seemed to have any trouble with them.

Is it possible to find any other genetic stock there? Hopefully you can figure out the problem with having such a high mortality at that young of an age. (Strange it would be color-linked as well.)

I have too many breeds to list (unless you really want to hear, lol). There are still a couple I would really like to add, also.

Feel free to share pictures, if you like (I know we enjoy them!)

Welcome to BackYard Chickens!
Sure here is my Appenzeller flock


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