Hi from NOLA!


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2024
New Orleans, LA
I've been a lurker for half a year or so - this time around! :) First time was, oh, approximately a decade ago, when we had three chickens - Fluffbutt, MacDaddy, and BitchAss the Rooster (yes, there is a story about how BitchAss got his name!). They were great source of entertainment and eggs, but we moved out of state for a year and had to rehome them.

We moved into a new place last October and ended up becoming the new owners of 4 ducks that the departing tenants left behind (one female Peking, one female Rouen, and two male Rouens). I won't go into the whole story, but, sadly - and mostly due to the new tenants on the other side of the house and their multitude of relatives that come and go numerous times a day and can't be bothered to shut their gate even though they like the ducks and have no issue with them being here - we now have one duck. 😭 Curly Duck is a trooper and handling being alone duck really really well - tho we also spend a lot of time with him, and he hangs out with the feral cats and assorted neighborhood free range chickens - but we know we need to either find him at least a new girlfriend, or a new home with other ducks asap (he's only been the sole duck for a few days). Curly Duck is super mellow and a real sweetheart, and we've become really attached to him, so we'd prefer to keep him. Obviously we are blocking off the ducks area to where it won't matter what the neighbors do with their gate, as we do not intend to lose another duck!

So if anyone has or has any leads on a female duck(s) in or near New Orleans - preferably not a new duckling - please let me know!

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