Hi I am Con1c66. I have 9 chickens, including 3 roosters(all Rhode Island Reds), and 6 hens ( 3 Golden Comets, 3 Black Australorps). Happy to be here!

Is 3 roosters too many for only 6 hens ?
Hi Con, welcome to BYC.
For a standard size flock yes that is too many cockerels or roosters per hen. I've found I can keep most of my bantam roosters withone to two hens. Cockerels are especially hard on pullets if they don't have an older flock to keep them in line.
Is 3 roosters too many for only 6 hens ?
yes. 6 hens is typically good for one boy, but Rhode Island Red are known to be aggressive, so the ratio is more for them. if you can afford, I highly suggest falling into the chicken math and getting 20 more confirmed hens, either ISA Brown, Crested Cream Legbar, or Sex Link.(so you know you aren't getting more boys by mistake)

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