Hiding eggs


Mar 23, 2022
I have two egg laying hens. I've been wondering why I'm only getting eggs from one of them. I found a couple of her eggs in a back corner where they're hard to reach. They may different colors so I know whose laying where. How can I get her back into one of their five nesting boxes? She was laying in one box but it's been taken over by the younger of the two.

Put a milk jug or a box or something in the nest. Then they complain a bit, and then think - Oh look here... really nice nests (the ones you built) why have I not noticed them before?
What do you mean by "in the nest"? Like where she's hiding them in the back corner or in a nesting box?
When you say the younger bird has taken over the nest, do you mean she's broody? Or is she actively chasing the other away from the nest box?
She must be chasing her because she's not broody. I just found 4 more eggs in an unused dog igloo. It has straw in it (for now-deceased cat). I put a tarp over it but blocking things off, won't it just chase her somewhere else?
I just went out to close the run and I peeked in the coop. The younger bird is roosting at the mouth of the preferred nesting box. She's not in but the other chicken wouldn't be able to get in.
Fake egg? Like an Easter egg?
Plastic easter eggs can work if you fill them with sand and glue them shut.
Most people buy the plaster ones at the farm store, or use golf balls.

She must be chasing her because she's not broody. I just found 4 more eggs in an unused dog igloo. It has straw in it (for now-deceased cat). I put a tarp over it but blocking things off, won't it just chase her somewhere else?
I just went out to close the run and I peeked in the coop. The younger bird is roosting at the mouth of the preferred nesting box. She's not in but the other chicken wouldn't be able to get in.
Do you have an actual coop with nest boxes and roosts in it?
How many birds total?
Do any of them lay in the coop nests?

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