Hillview Poultry


Jul 31, 2024
My Coop
My Coop
(I’m new to this, so I apologize if I’m doing this wrong)
Hello from Southwestern Wyoming! I currently own a flock of 48 happy chickens, and I just wanted to share about them! All of our chickens range from 4+ years to little embryos. As soon as they hatch I try to give them all the love in the world, even if they turn out to be roosters (aka. Little Destructive Gremlins). Currently, I have 6 permanent roosters, most of which reside in the Bachelor Condo Coop. I’ll share more about each of my feathered guys and gals later! Each of them have such unique personalities I can’t explain them all in one paragraph. However, I’m going to show off my first chicken!

This is the last of my original girls, Mrs. Bawk. We received her from a neighbor along with 2 other White Plymouth Rocks named Mrs. Cluck and Sunrise. Unfortunately, Mrs. Cluck died a few months later from an unknown illness and Sunset followed in the coming months after a hawk nabbed her. The poor gal of course missed her sisters, but she didn’t have much time to mourn since she had to chicksit 17 young pullets. It’s been quite a few years since her arrival, each one with its new set of struggles. Mrs. Bawk has evaded death many times, all while holding the whole flock’s (yes, even my rooster’s) respect. She is the Old Queen of the Coop!
No,,, you are doing thing correctly, and most of us LUV :love reading chicken stories.
Looking forward to seeing more of your flock pix.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
Mrs. Bawk is lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of your flock!
Thank you guys so much! Ya’ll are awesome!
Dizzy and Nugget are our two barred Plymouth rocks from our original batch of chicks! They are practically inseparable and once they roost for the night, they blend together in one giant black and white maze! The only way I can tell them apart is the little differences on their comb, and the way they approach me. They are both the princesses to the coop, and can often be found with Mrs. Bawk foraging for bugs. They have also earned the name of Fluffiest butt in the flock, and the two adorably chunky hens (don’t tell them I said that) love to show off their feathers.

These are the two gal sick of the cold
Dizzy and Nugget are our two barred Plymouth rocks from our original batch of chicks! They are practically inseparable and once they roost for the night, they blend together in one giant black and white maze! The only way I can tell them apart is the little differences on their comb, and the way they approach me. They are both the princesses to the coop, and can often be found with Mrs. Bawk foraging for bugs. They have also earned the name of Fluffiest butt in the flock, and the two adorably chunky hens (don’t tell them I said that) love to show off their feathers. View attachment 3908340
These are the two gal sick of the cold

I remember that WY cold! DH and I lived there for 6 years and winters can be long. But spring and fall so beautiful!
I remember that WY cold! DH and I lived there for 6 years and winters can be long. But spring and fall so beautiful!
Yeah, the wind and cold definitely pushes you to the limits, but once spring comes around (hopefully in may lol) it’s worth it! If I may ask, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but where in Wyoming did you live? Where do you live now?
Yeah, the wind and cold definitely pushes you to the limits, but once spring comes around (hopefully in may lol) it’s worth it! If I may ask, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but where in Wyoming did you live? Where do you live now?

First we lived in southern WY (between Laramie and Rawlins) and then in Casper. Loved Casper! But DH's job had us move back to FL for a year and now we're in Kentucky. You never know where we'll pop up next. :lol:

Have you always lived in WY?

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