Homemade Coop (East TN)


Mar 20, 2024
Andersonville, TN

I'd love to share my coop with y'all, I'm not a carpenter nor have I built anything this size before. I took my time editing it as I went and love the current state of the coop. The true test will be winter, but I think I am very prepared!

This coop houses 5 hens and a rooster. I've opted out of using nesting boxes cause they refused them and used the corners away from the roost. I still want to upgrade the locks on the double doors that I use for cleaning, but I am in no rush considering the coop is within a chain link fence in our backyard next to the house and the run is completely netted for arial predator protection! We have lots of hawks...

Lemme know your thoughts, the low roost is to get onto the top because I have a silkie rooster and hen, although they don't need it now that they are older and all roost on the top bar. The horseshoe I put up there for good luck, I found buried at the Museum of Appalachia that I work at, it is probably very very old ...
Our Chickens...
PJ & Pinto (Barred Rock & Spotted Sussex)
Moira (White Silkie)
JR jr (Blue Laced Golden Wyandotte)
Uncle Baby (White Silkie Rooster)
Luanne (Lavender Orpington)


Why's that?
How cold and how much snow do you get?

I'd be more worried about the heat of high summer in TN.

Coop seems small(what are the dimensions?) and under-ventilated.
We don't get much snow at all, I just said it like that cause it's the last season I am to test. Honestly IDKY I said it like that haha. I'm not worried about winter. I have a small vent on the highest side but it also has decent gaps between the boards so it will be fine for ventilation. It's like 4ft x 4ft but it's around 6ft tall. The birds fit comfortably on the top bar and don't fight. If anything it might have slightly too much ventilation, but I can solve that with using tarps on the inside if needed. I even have a false bottom floor that is easy to replace if the floor ever tries to rot. I like using that material they use to make signs, it is really good for chicken poop and keeps the plywood false bottom from rotting! 👨‍🌾😎😂
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I have a small vent on the highest side but it also has decent gaps between the boards so it will be fine for ventilation.
I think the birds would disagree. They would prefer to be roosting in trees. They have very delicate respiratory systems and they require immense amounts of ventilation.
slightly too much ventilation,
No you don't.

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