Homemade Flock Block


Jan 19, 2024
I'm looking to make my own Flock Block. One of my dominate chickens keeps pecking at our handicap chicken, ONLY when they come in the coop for the night. Crazy chicken! I was researching that if I put something in the coop for them to "peck" at instead of each other, this would help. This is the recipe I found so far. I'm planning to make this today, hopefully and get it in the coop for tonight.

Any thought's or concerns about the recipe? Thank you for your input.

How to Make a Flock Block Knock Off​

Here's what you Need |

2 cups scratch grains
1 cup layer feed
1 cup old-fashioned oats
1/2 cup sunflower seeds (shelled or unshelled)
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
3 eggs
1/2 cup blackstrap molasses
1/2 cup coconut oil, melted

*Optional, you can also mix in some of my all natural poultry feed supplements for an extra boost of nutrition!

Here's what you Do |

  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

  • In large mixing bowl, mix the dry ingredients.

  • Add the wet ingredients and mix well.

  • Pat into several small baking dishes or casseroles, so your blocks are approximately 2" thick.

  • If you plan on hanging your block, use a chopstick make a hole near the top of each block.

  • Bake for 30 minutes, then cool completely.

  • Run a knife around the inside rim of each pan and invert to remove the block.

  • Serve to a flock of very happy girls.

Notes | You can spray the pans with nonstick baking spray first, or line them with parchment, to make getting the blocks out easier.

I used four 6" round cake pans, and would probably only use three the next time to make slightly thicker blocks.

Leftovers can be refrigerated or wrapped in foil and frozen and then defrosted as needed.

Any thought's or concerns about the recipe? Thank you for your input.
It looks like a lot of bother. It might be faster to try hanging a cabbage or a head of lettuce (depending on what you have available. I know it can sometimes be faster to make something at home than to go to a store and get something different.)

As regards the ingredients, I don't see anything dangerous, but if they eat very much the chickens are likely to get fat. The recipe is overall low in protein, high in carbohydrates & fats, low in many vitamins & minerals. That is all acceptable in a treat (small amount per chicken per day) but not as a general feed (large amount per chicken per day.)

My nutritional concerns are not a reason to avoid doing this, just a reason to limit how much they get to eat of it-- maybe hang it for the evening, and then take it out again during the daytime.
It looks like a lot of bother. It might be faster to try hanging a cabbage or a head of lettuce (depending on what you have available. I know it can sometimes be faster to make something at home than to go to a store and get something different.)

As regards the ingredients, I don't see anything dangerous, but if they eat very much the chickens are likely to get fat. The recipe is overall low in protein, high in carbohydrates & fats, low in many vitamins & minerals. That is all acceptable in a treat (small amount per chicken per day) but not as a general feed (large amount per chicken per day.)

My nutritional concerns are not a reason to avoid doing this, just a reason to limit how much they get to eat of it-- maybe hang it for the evening, and then take it out again during the daytime.
Thank you for the feedback and a better idea. I prefer the cabbage idea and it's much cheaper.

My plan is this block goes in around 5-5:30 and out around 6:30 each evening. This is the time our dominate chicken picks on the handicap chicken.

I will say, this mixture smells so yummy! We'll see how it goes tonight.

A friend said that when there's no rooster, than one hen will be the dominate / aggressive one, to watch that no blood is drawn and take fast action if blood is drawn. So I'm hopefully prepared and I'm doing all I can think of.

Thank you again! :)
Thank you for the feedback and a better idea. I prefer the cabbage idea and it's much cheaper.

My plan is this block goes in around 5-5:30 and out around 6:30 each evening. This is the time our dominate chicken picks on the handicap chicken.

I will say, this mixture smells so yummy! We'll see how it goes tonight.

A friend said that when there's no rooster, than one hen will be the dominate / aggressive one, to watch that no blood is drawn and take fast action if blood is drawn. So I'm hopefully prepared and I'm doing all I can think of.

Thank you again! :)
I hope it goes well, with one or another of your ideas being able to solve the problems :)
Thank you for the feedback and a better idea. I prefer the cabbage idea and it's much cheaper.

My plan is this block goes in around 5-5:30 and out around 6:30 each evening. This is the time our dominate chicken picks on the handicap chicken.

I will say, this mixture smells so yummy! We'll see how it goes tonight.

A friend said that when there's no rooster, than one hen will be the dominate / aggressive one, to watch that no blood is drawn and take fast action if blood is drawn. So I'm hopefully prepared and I'm doing all I can think of.

Thank you again! :)
i dehydrate kale, cabbages, broccoli, apple peels, fruits, garlic, ginger, and corn. everything is super crispy and I add that to my flock block recipe. i never leave it in the run because they will eat ALL of it and less feed. I love making my chickens healthy little meals. good luck and remember that anything other than their feed is 'candy'.

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