Hova-Bator 2370 Question


May 7, 2024
Hi! I don't know if anyone will have an answer for this, but I thought I'd ask any way :) How long does the Hova-Bator 2370 last before it needs to be replaced? Thanks!!
Same as any other incubator, once you get it calibrated and learn how to use it. Some never work right and some can last a lot of years.

It took me a few hatches to get it set right but my Hovabator 1588 was still going strong after 10 years. Very reliable. That included my automatic turner. Other people have different stories.
My hovanator lasted 12 years before I decided to replace it because the foam was getting bad. New one has a bad wafer in it after one use!! And I dont feel like paying more to replace it!

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