Hova Bator Genesis 1588 Temp at Lockdown


Mar 16, 2025
Hello, I've just put my Hova Bator Genesis 1588 into lockdown this morning. They've been at 45-55% humidity and 37.5 C (99.5F) the past 18 & 25 days (Turkey and Chicken eggs in there together). The air sacks all look good. Though this is my first attempt at incubating. I have a calibrated hygrometer that I have been using, it was in the egg turner and is now laying on the wire. After lockdown it now shows 65% humidity, which I think is perfect... I think hatching will make the humidity go up, but it still shouldn't pass the max 75% humidity rating for the machines equipment. The problem is, it is showing 36.9 C (98.42F) on the wire with the eggs. Is this too low? Should I try to raise the temp for them? Thank you for your help

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