How can I keep a lonely quail happy?


5 Years
Dec 26, 2019
As I probably already mentioned in some of my previous threads, I always keep 2 quails at a time. It’s a continuous cycle of me getting a new one when one of them dies, because I just can’t stand seeing my other bird being lonely and sad. It happened again…but this time, I got four 3 day old chicks!
So obviously, they are separated from the adult quail, so she will have to wait a few more weeks. Until then, is there any way I can keep her happy? She doesn’t accept snacks for some reason, she’s always been picky but not this picky.
Try giving her a mirror so she can see herself.
There are multiple mirrors in the room (she gets to roam free when I’m at home)
Is that good? I thought birds don’t like mirrors because they confuse them. I had a quail who was so scared of her own reflection, I had to cover the mirrors when I picked her out of the cage.
My quail is obsessed with her dust bath. I recommend the Kaytee chinchilla bath house. It's large enough to fit two if you end up getting another. I live in a sandy area so I just go outside and scoop some out for her to use and she loves it! If that's unavailable to you, you can order some sand or dust online. They will play in there for hours.

I got mine off Chewy. Picked it up locally. Looks like this:
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