How can I keep a lonely quail happy?


Dec 26, 2019
As I probably already mentioned in some of my previous threads, I always keep 2 quails at a time. It’s a continuous cycle of me getting a new one when one of them dies, because I just can’t stand seeing my other bird being lonely and sad. It happened again…but this time, I got four 3 day old chicks!
So obviously, they are separated from the adult quail, so she will have to wait a few more weeks. Until then, is there any way I can keep her happy? She doesn’t accept snacks for some reason, she’s always been picky but not this picky.
Try giving her a mirror so she can see herself.
There are multiple mirrors in the room (she gets to roam free when I’m at home)
Is that good? I thought birds don’t like mirrors because they confuse them. I had a quail who was so scared of her own reflection, I had to cover the mirrors when I picked her out of the cage.

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