How can I make a poll on BYC?


Sep 13, 2024
Does anyone know how to make a poll on BYC?
Sorry, I feel like I should know this, but I have tried about 6 times, but a notification always pops up and says, "You must put in at least 2 options to vote from." Could someone just take screenshots of them making a poll? Thanks so much! :celebrate
You can start by clicking “post thread” at the top of the forum you want to post the poll in, then click “poll” instead of discussion, like here.
Scroll down, and you’ll see “possible responses” and this is what you type your poll choices into. Once you begin typing one, another box will pop up under that one. IMG_6859.jpeg
This is instructions on how to do it on a phone, but it’s the same on a computer. :)

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