I don't know what it is, maybe I've been lucky before. This is my 3rd group of 5-6 hens I've had since chicks and I've not had this problem before.
I have one hen, the light brown egg laying "Americauna" who bites my hand when I'm giving the group treats. Unless my hand is completely full, she'll always get me, rather than the grubs or treats. All of the others manage to just eat the treats.
Is there a way to teach her to not bite the hand that feeds her?
She did go after me today when she was sitting on another chicken's egg and I went in to get it. It was the oddest thing. Two chickens were in two different nesting boxes. I came out again, and they'd switched spots and were setting on the other hen's egg.
I have one hen, the light brown egg laying "Americauna" who bites my hand when I'm giving the group treats. Unless my hand is completely full, she'll always get me, rather than the grubs or treats. All of the others manage to just eat the treats.
Is there a way to teach her to not bite the hand that feeds her?
She did go after me today when she was sitting on another chicken's egg and I went in to get it. It was the oddest thing. Two chickens were in two different nesting boxes. I came out again, and they'd switched spots and were setting on the other hen's egg.