How cold of temperatures can chickens handle?

As long as they have shelter from any direct winds or wetness they can handle pretty low temperatures, we can sometimes get down to -20's with -40 windchills, my chickens are in an uninsulated shed, they do shiver on those days but I get them some warm water and food and I get them scratching around and they are fine, I have never had a chicken freeze to death.
Depends on the breed. Normally feathered, standard sized, or small-combed fowl will handle cold better than Silkied/frizzled, bantamized, or large-combed fowl.

For the average DP breed hen, down to about 15-20F comfortably without a heater.

With a heater, probably well into the negatives.
I keep frizzled cochins and had have silkies, never provided any heat, and mine go outside on nice days.
My standard large fowl birds handle negative F's just heat is needed as long as dry and out of wind.
Even had a broody with chicks last winter....lowest was -12F.

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