How deep to place hardware mesh under run

Nicky S

May 30, 2021
Southern CT
I’m placing hardware mesh underneath the entire run (1/4 inch). How deep down should it be buried to make sure the gang has enough dirt to scratch in - I was thinking 6 inches, or is 4 enough? The run is a dirt/gravel floor with pine shavings on top - I currently have mesh sunk into the ground at the perimeter but rats have tunneled underneath so I want the whole thing covered over!
I have 1/2” HC under the ground bedding in my main coop structure, because of moles gophers voles and rats/mice. My ground terrain is sloped and block foundation is terraced to compensate, so generally I went about 4-8” deep depending what part of the foundation you’re measuring near, and added the dirt back on top. Then I added deep layer of wood chips w/shavings on top of the dirt and keep adding more periodically through the year and the material migrates downhill a tad - so I’ve got somewhere between 6-16” deep material before they can hit the HC when digging. Hasn’t been an issue on the shallower areas, but my chickens also have another run to dig deeper in.
Ok that’s good to know - my ground is also pretty uneven and sloped, and I use the same bedding system, so I think that should work!
I’m placing hardware mesh underneath the entire run (1/4 inch). How deep down should it be buried to make sure the gang has enough dirt to scratch in - I was thinking 6 inches, or is 4 enough? The run is a dirt/gravel floor with pine shavings on top - I currently have mesh sunk into the ground at the perimeter but rats have tunneled underneath so I want the whole thing covered over!
That is the same reason I want to cover the whole ground. Can I see how you did it?
That is the same reason I want to cover the whole ground. Can I see how you did it?
Everything is buried now, but basically we put 4ft wide strips from side to side to cover the entire floor. We stapled the hardware cloth to the sides of the run (wooden planks at bottom as frame for sides). It’s important to staple up the sides, otherwise they squeeze underneath the wood and mesh. They fit through ridiculously small spaces! Also where the strips overlap you have to secure really well - we used those big staples that you hammer into the ground, otherwise they tunnel under and squeeze through. If I were to start from scratch I’d first make sure the ground is level, ours is all over the place and it makes it tricky. I still have a few stray guys getting in because we didn’t do it perfectly, but we’re fixing the breaches slowly. Don’t underestimate them - that teeny gap you think no way they can squeeze through, they really will. Wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen them 😂
I'd go 12".

Mine are doing that right now's kinda of hilarious.
Looks like a bunch of ostriches out there!!
I think they are digging into mole/vole tunnels...softer dirt maybe?

They are incredible excavators!!
If mine are digging near the wall or around blocks that are holding things up...
.....I throw a brick or rock or put down a paver.

Well I’ve never seen my ladies doing that 😂. We’d never have managed 12”, and so far the 6-8” seems fine. I also put in a kiddie pool filled with dirt (made holes in the bottom for drainage) and am putting some raised beds in, so they have plenty to dig in should they wish to go deeper. So far everyone is happy 😆
I used to have moles. A lot of them. Hills all over the 10 acres. Then we got lucky with a couple of our cats. They were the best hunters. Problem solved… for now. I have not seen a mouse or a rat. Ever. I think the moles sent out a memo. 😏 Currently, I have HC 2 feet out around the perimeter and having just pulled the weeds around the fence yesterday, I see no breaches in the prison. 😉

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