How Do I Introduce Rooster Together?

Mr Oviraptor

Dec 9, 2021
Hi I have a Old English Game Rooster Bantam in a pen with several Hens and I have another Old English Game Bantam In a separate pen by himself, How do I introduce that lonely Rooster to the flock?
Hi I have a Old English Game Rooster Bantam in a pen with several Hens and I have another Old English Game Bantam In a separate pen by himself, How do I introduce that lonely Rooster to the flock?
With another rooster already running the flock? You don't. You have two flocks. They will fight if you put him in with the other rooster. The looser will always be watching his back.
Can you get some hens for the loner or just find a new home for him?
They call that a cock-fight. Some people sell tickets. Yeah, it is not going to work. And to be honest - it might not work if he does have his own flock of hens. Roosters do not generally get the concept of these are yours, and these are mine, but rather, if I can whoop you, I get them all!
With another rooster already running the flock? You don't. You have two flocks. They will fight if you put him in with the other rooster. The looser will always be watching his back.
Can you get some hens for the loner or just find a new home for him?
Hmm, Weird I have had D'Uccles together and I've seen people keep OEGB Roosters together but I will buy him some Hens this febuary, He is in an 15ft by 15ft Run, Do you think that'll fit enough Hens?, My other Rooster with Hens is in a 25ft by 25ft

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