How do I properly add two 8 month Broody Silkies to a 3 yr old Black Langshan Hens yard?


8 Years
Sep 11, 2016
Soquel, Ca
Hi there:) I have a 3-year-old Black Langshan (I think that's her breed)"Happy Feet" that lost her "sister" hen Blue due to illness on June 16(10 days ago). Our neighbor gave us her 8-month-old pair of silkies along with their own little coop. Our Backyard is the perfect size for three hens we already have a larger coop that previously housed three regular size hens. We lost one to a raccoon and one to illness(not contagious). When Blue passed Happy feet became lonely and scared as Blue was the boss and she would always let Happy Feet know when it was safe to enter the coop at night. Poor Happy feet was struggling with this so we decided to accept our neighbors' gift. I took on their little coop because I thought it was a good idea to keep them separated from happy feet but still in the same yard while they learn to accept each other. I bring them out of their little house under supervision a little bit more each day. It has been three days now, none of them are laying eggs and the new girls have become broody. They go crazy to get back in their nest when I bring them out and I have to lock them out of it to keep them out. I have heard that they should be locked out of their nest to "break" the broodiness. But I am afraid to lock them out for too long because I don't want them to become eggbound. But they are the cutest little things they shake their tails and run around for a little bit until they remember they want to nest & as soon as one remembers she starts going crazy to get back in and soon after the other does the same. As soon as I open their house back up they jump right up to their nest and sit there until I bring them out again. I really want all of them to sleep in the coop we already have because I dont want Happy Feet to be lonely and scared at night. Happy feet is about two times bigger than they are and she would not fit in their little coop. So eventually, I would want to get rid of the little one only for those reasons. It's perfect for little birds but doesnt meet Happy Feets needs. Anybody have any ideas about the broodiness and coop move?
Hi! Are your hens growling or pecking at you when you take them out of the nest? They may just be trying to lay, they actually sit for quite a while before the egg comes out. Don't worry about them getting eggbound, they will lay it on the ground outside before that happens. I would let them sit on the nests for at least a day, I usually wait a few days to be sure, they will get up and eat/ drink themselves, don't worry. Hope this was helpful!

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