How do I tame my pullets?


Jun 15, 2018
White Georgia
2F905AD6-DDEA-434B-B93F-9AC6BE94596E.jpeg so today I just bought some yellow buff pullets and a roo as well. I also bought a hen that’s around 1.5 years old. When I put the pullets in the pen today and they started to dust bath. I came and starte to let them. Now I thought this was a good sign (it is). Then I come back about 10 min later and there up and about. So I approach one and try to pet it. But it walked away from me didn’t run. Someone please give me lessons on how to take them. Here’s some pics
Some chickens don't like the be touched.
I have a few that really do love to be touched and loved on.
I have some that prefer to be picked up and held, but not stroked.
Then the rest prefer my close company, but not interaction.

You'll come to learn each one's personality and preferences. Sit down, put feed in your hand, and hold as still as possible. If they let you, use your free hand and just lightly brush against their chest. Reach at ground level, not over their heads. That scares them.
It can take a few hours to maybe they need a few weeks to adjust to you. :) good luck with them!
At least they're not running away, so that's a good start. I would get a chair (or sit on the ground) and just sit down in the run with them and let them get used to your presence. Move slowly, talk softly. You can try bribing them with treats, but they may not be willing to take them from your hands, so if that's the case just toss them on the ground nearby.

Many chickens don't like being touched so don't take that as a sign that they aren't tame or don't like you. Mine tolerate it but don't enjoy it.
Keep in the back of your mind that chickens are hard wired to flee from any movement from above so don't lean over them and just let them get to know you.

When I built my brooder I had a top that hinged up and the chicks would all run and scream like little girls when I opened the lid and leaned over. When I got the next batch I made the front to open and would sit on a chair to service the brooder and interact with them.

Yeah. The hen that’s a year and a half old ( is top of pecking order) doesn’t like to be near me. But the two pullets and the roo like to be close by me when the hen comes towards them. I can rub them a little before the WALK away.

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