Gland problem?


Jun 7, 2015
I am new to chickens as in 3 months so far. I have 6 comets and I think one of them may have a gland problem. I usually get 6 eggs per day but occasionally I get an oddball. By that I mean one egg is larger or smaller, sometimes I have an egg with ridges or other deformities. I have had a triple yolk egg followed by a small egg with no yolk. Today when I collected eggs, there were 6 which is typical however one of the was white. I don't mean it was just lighter than the others I mean it was pure white. I thought my wife might have been messing around with me and placed it in the coop since it wasn't in the same box with the others, but she insisted that she didn't and I believe her. There was a spot of blood on the egg with happens occasionally. . . Long story short, I suspect one of my hens has a gland problem. Am I correct and if so, is it something that will correct itself or do I need to take action?
Welcome to BYC!

How old are your chickens?

Odd eggs are not unusual in the first couple months of lay....and not even really unknown in any age laying chicken.
A small amount of blood on the outside(or inside) of the egg occasionally is not unusual either.
High production birds, like your Comets, are more likely to have these anomalies.
A brown egg is a white egg shell with a brown coating on it, sometimes the 'spray booth' malfunctions and there's different amounts(or none) of coating.
Unless it's something extreme and continuous, I'd not worry about it.
The odd eggs get sorted out of what you buy at the grocery, so you never see them there.

Take a look at this thread to see the plethora of odd eggs:
Thanks, my birds are 8 months old so after lurking here for a while I figured it was probably nothing to worry about, but wanted to ask to be sure. I decided to crack the white egg to see if there was anything wrong with the inside. To my surprise, when I washed it. That darn thing turned brown. Apparently the white color was some sort of chalky coating, still not sure what the deal with that was. But it hasn't happened again and the birds are healthy so I'm not going to sweat it.

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