How I fixed my Duck Angel Wing


May 9, 2020
Hi Everyone! I apologize for being so absent this past month or not answering any messages that have been sent my way- My family and I are in the process of moving houses and with two dogs, two cats and five ducks, it’s been a stressful process LOL. Anyways, I just wanted to come on here and share my very successful Angel Wing Treatment for my 8-9 week old Call Duck. When I first noticed his wing, I did lots of research as I have never dealt with AW before. I was rewrapping his wing every couple hours with vet wrap and tape as it kept falling off or getting tangled around him. I was nervous to leave the wrap on all night in case he had any trouble breathing or drinking water. After some trouble, I decided I would have to try a different method. I decided to order a chicken harness on amazon and to my surprise, it was the perfect fit for Bamboo! He is unable to slip his legs through it or get tangled up. He can swim with brothers and sisters while he has it on and I have seen so much improvement in his wing in just a short two days. I should also mention that the harness is adjustable and can be loosened/tightened if needed. I ordered a black, size small harness for my Pencilled Call Duck for reference. He doesn’t seem to mind wearing it too much either and I don’t think his friends even notice he has it on. I will post before and after pictures of Bamboo when the process is over. I will also attach the harness I ordered. I highly recommend anyone struggling to fix their duck/chickens angel wing that they use a harness (without the leash of course) instead of tight and uncomfortable vet wrap. One last suggestion I have would be to get a more neutral color rather than something like pink or blue. My other ducks were actually quite frightened by the pink vet wrap that I was originally using and began to pick on Bamboo. This quickly changed when I started to use dark green/black wrap.


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Can I wrap my male muscovy duck that is 11 weeks old tomorrow. I’ve wrapped others but they were 8 weeks old. I used stocking socks and cut the toe part off. It worked for 3 others, but this one didn’t show AW until he was 10 weeks. He is free range with his mom and 2 sisters

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