How long can it take for hens to accept a younger rooster?


Aug 22, 2022
NW LP Michigan
We have 8 hens spring of 2023. Our rooster was rehomed during the fall. We got a new cockerel/rooster on new years day hatched late spring/early summer of 2024 So hes roughly a year younger than all of our girls.

At night he's on the roost with all the top hens. But during the day their still pecking at him when he comes around the food and water. I put him on the roosts at night with the girls when I got him. I've been going out every night to check on him and hes always on the top roosts with the girls which I'm relieved but still I'm worried he's not fully accepted or establishing his place yet. How long can it take?
Depends on the individual personalities, and dynamics of the flock members. Some cockerel I added a few months back had no problems. I would guess as spring approaches and hormones start to surge yours will at least mate. Not all roosters are good at being a flock leader, and others have to grow into it. So it just depends.
Depends on the individual personalities, and dynamics of the flock members. Some cockerel I added a few months back had no problems. I would guess as spring approaches and hormones start to surge yours will at least mate. Not all roosters are good at being a flock leader, and others have to grow into it. So it just depends.
He came from a large flock with multiple roosters so that probably isn't helpful lol
He came from a large flock with multiple roosters so that probably isn't helpful lol
He's probably used to having another one back him up. I introduced a pair. They weren't raised together, but were penned together for a while. Yours will probably get better as he matures. He's probably unsure what is expected of him at the moment.
He's probably used to having another one back him up. I introduced a pair. They weren't raised together, but were penned together for a while. Yours will probably get better as he matures. He's probably unsure what is expected of him at the moment.
Thats encouraging. Yeah he had alot of other roosters. I was told he slept near the top of the roosts though which was promising as well.

Did you just put him in 5 days ago? Being allowed to roost with the top girls means he is well on his way to being the leader of the flock.
Yes. I put him on the middle roost because the top roosts were out of my reach from where I opened the back door. And the next night he was on the top roosts with the majority of the girls.
He is doing fine, once I added one that did not roost with the girls for a week. If you are in the northern hemisphere, you are at the hormone low due to the short days. If you have a yellow legged boy, in the next few, a red stripe will show up, “the sap rising” with that, he should come into his own.
He is doing fine, once I added one that did not roost with the girls for a week. If you are in the northern hemisphere, you are at the hormone low due to the short days. If you have a yellow legged boy, in the next few, a red stripe will show up, “the sap rising” with that, he should come into his own.

Not yellow lol It's taking everything in me to wait to see his real personality before naming him. Trying to resist naming him the first name I thought seeing him, Casanova XD
We have 8 hens spring of 2023. Our rooster was rehomed during the fall. We got a new cockerel/rooster on new years day hatched late spring/early summer of 2024 So hes roughly a year younger than all of our girls.

At night he's on the roost with all the top hens. But during the day their still pecking at him when he comes around the food and water. I put him on the roosts at night with the girls when I got him. I've been going out every night to check on him and hes always on the top roosts with the girls which I'm relieved but still I'm worried he's not fully accepted or establishing his place yet. How long can it take?
it depends on the nature and the behaviour
mostly Leghorn with Leghorn accept each other fast breeed to same breed accept fast because they look same
but when someone new look feathers or come enter they ensure many things give 10-12 days time
Update: I believe the boy is finally trying to move up. While introducing our new goose to our other two geese I heard squabbling and tarp ruffling from inside our chicken run and I peeked in and he was fighting it out with our smallest girl Kiora who I call the runt because shes always at the bottom and shes smaller than the other hens despite being the same age. And ten minutes later he was going at one of our buff orpington's.

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