How long do turkeys naturally live?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2015
Every year, my friend gets several turkeys to butcher, and I always thought they were very sweet, and I liked them a lot. So, I'm wondering, if I just get some turkeys to have, not to eat, how long would they live? What breed would I have to get so that they wouldn't get so obese?
Every year, my friend gets several turkeys to butcher, and I always thought they were very sweet, and I liked them a lot. So, I'm wondering, if I just get some turkeys to have, not to eat, how long would they live? What breed would I have to get so that they wouldn't get so obese?

You will need to get a heritage breed of which there are many varieties. I don't think that anyone really knows how long they can live. I had a Bourbon Red tom who lived 11years until a predator came in on a Thanksgiving night and ate half of him. The oldest ones that I currently have are an 8 year old hen and her 7 year old daughter. They do not look to be in any danger of dying at this time.
I've heard the heritage breeds can live 15 years never had one last that more than a year most of them get killed by a coyote or bobcat. I've had Mars going on 10 months and she is my little buddy, she gets to sleep by my bed on cold nights and lets me hold her wing I can carry her around or let her sit on my shoulder and she's perfectly content. We did lose my wife's BB White Holland Tom last Saturday and Mars hasn't been the same since so bare in mind they are very sensitive about that they are a social animal but do enjoy human contact

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