How long for a full nest to hatch?


May 26, 2024
My Indian Runner has been on 3 eggs, all were viable, I have seen all the signs when candling. The first hatched yesterday but there is no sign of the other two hatching. How long should I leave it before removing the eggs?
Thanks for your help and advice
It can take up to 3 days. It happened here so don't get into a big hurry. Place a very shallow bowl with water and some crumble near so the first baby can eat and drink if it wants. It doesn't hurt to check the eggs either. Candle to check if the other 2 are in the air cell.

It can take up to 3 days. It happened here so don't get into a big hurry. Place a very shallow bowl with water and some crumble near so the first baby can eat and drink if it wants. It doesn't hurt to check the eggs either. Candle to check if the other 2 are in the air cell.

Thank you so much! We are now the very happy owners of three beautiful ducklings!
Can we see some pictures, please? and Congratulations!!

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