How long is to long


7 Years
Mar 7, 2017
one of my chicks has been trying to get out of its shell for a day and a half it's still chirping and I can see its little foot. When if ever does it need help?
one of my chicks has been trying to get out of its shell for a day and a half it's still chirping and I can see its little foot. When if ever does it need help?
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@AmyLynn2374 Hope you don't mind me calling on your experience here.
She'll be back...

I don't want to give bad advice, so I will wait.

But I guess I would slowly start to chip away some shell being careful not pull apart any that still has blood vessels or anything attatched to it that hasn't absorbed. Ugh, waiting is so hard!

Yes, have some tweezers, chip the shell away from the pip going around the egg. If there is any veining or blood stop. Moisten the membrane by applying a light coat of Vaseline, non pain relief neosporin or coconut oil over it and give it more time. If there are no veining or blood you can complete a zip around the top and take out the air cell, put the baby back in the bator and see if it will kick out itself.
I picked a little shell off his little foot is on part of the shell so I stopped to see if maybe he could do the rest, but his down is dry maybe that's from having that opening for the last day don't want to screw things up but I hate to do nothing and lose him
I picked a little shell off his little foot is on part of the shell so I stopped to see if maybe he could do the rest, but his down is dry maybe that's from having that opening for the last day don't want to screw things up but I hate to do nothing and lose him:th

Yes, I would expect the area around the pip to have dried out, possibly to his down. Using a q-tip you can put a little Vaseline or even water on the membrane inside the pip area. Careful not to get it in his nose, and loosen up any dried membrane. That too can hinder it's progress. Do you have any sav a chick electrolyte or electrolyte of any kind? Once you get him out, I'd offer electrolyte enhanced water in their dish. If there is no prominent veining/bleeding go ahead and free him.

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