How Long to Wait, Day 32


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2017
Hi All,

I have three wiggling little ducklings that refuse to pip internally. I candled them and all are alive but im on day 32! I cant tell if they are in the wrong position or what's going on....any help? Do I poke a hole in air cell to look or leave alone?
I opened up air cell and they are ALL upside down. MY guess is they spent too much time on their side. That being said air cell is open (im having a hard time finding the head in any of them) so now what. I rubbed inner membrane down with bacitracin to keep moist...but now im at a complete loss on what to do
I would ONLY have done that if they had internally pipped. Sounds like your ducks were not even at that stage yet. I would have waited but what's done is done. Little you can do now, besides keep it moist.

Are you sure about your days?

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