How loud do serama roosters crow?


Bantam Cochin Collector
Oct 14, 2021
How loud do they crow? I love to breed chickens, and the only place I can breed them at is my grandparent's farm. (I live in the city, btw). I really want either seramas or bantam modern games, but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving such small birds out there. So I'm asking, could I have a serama or bantam modern game rooster in town and get away with it?
How loud do they crow? I love to breed chickens, and the only place I can breed them at is my grandparent's farm. (I live in the city, btw). I really want either seramas or bantam modern games, but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving such small birds out there. So I'm asking, could I have a serama or bantam modern game rooster in town and get away with it?
It honestly depends on the rooster, however I can say it does sound like a high pitched rooster having a voice crack. You can look at them crowing on YouTube.
How loud do they crow? I love to breed chickens, and the only place I can breed them at is my grandparent's farm. (I live in the city, btw). I really want either seramas or bantam modern games, but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving such small birds out there. So I'm asking, could I have a serama or bantam modern game rooster in town and get away with it?
Well…. I have a Serama flock, and although they don’t crow as loud as standard breeds, they still can crow pretty loud for their size. Would they be heard crowing in town? Likely. But, 1 tiny rooster would not reach the crowing level of a standard breed rooster. If you were keeping all hens in town…. no worries. You may even get away with 1 Serama rooster without neighbor issues. I guess it really would depend on your neighbors.
Well…. I have a Serama flock, and although they don’t crow as loud as standard breeds, they still can crow pretty loud for their size. Would they be heard crowing in town? Likely. But, 1 tiny rooster would not reach the crowing level of a standard breed rooster. If you were keeping all hens in town…. no worries. You may even get away with 1 Serama rooster without neighbor issues. I guess it really would depend on your neighbors.
We live in a townhouse on the very end. The only neighbor right next to us is really nice, and has already talked with me about how it is stupid they won't let me have a rooster.
No, it's not stupid.
All roosters crow, most crow loudly, reguardless of size. If you can breed them elsewhere, you don't need one there.
your hens are perfectly capable to look out for themselves.
We live in a townhouse on the very end. The only neighbor right next to us is really nice, and has already talked with me about how it is stupid they won't let me have a rooster.
Well, having all hens is still much better than not having any. 🙂
Be sure to let us all know how things turn out. 🙂
How loud do they crow? I love to breed chickens, and the only place I can breed them at is my grandparent's farm. (I live in the city, btw). I really want either seramas or bantam modern games, but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving such small birds out there. So I'm asking, could I have a serama or bantam modern game rooster in town and get away with it?
As others have stated pretty loud for their size haha it's not a cockadoodle dooooo type it's more a errr a errrr 🤣
Decent song from them- it's no largefowl sound, but it's a decent enough crow.
I've kept both, and have Seramas still, you can still hear them and know you are hearing a rooster. If I were trying to keep chickens in town though, I'd go with Seramas. Because cuter than heck and great parents.
Dad's kids here- well, Mom's broody for 2 weeks and he's still taking the chicks out and makinbg sure they're fed, brooding them under him- despite 4 of 7 being cockerels. I've never had a broody rooster before, though an old Araucana used to have a little OEG sit on his spurs, he didn't brood them. Zeus here, does it all.


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