How many roosters do you see


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2024
Grabbed these 14/15 week “hens” off someone and another group is adamant I just got handed a pack of roosters (I’m internally crying). This white one is suppose to NOT be a leghorn, AND a hen and I definitely think that’s a lie. She said it’s a cross of a bunch of words but I did hear “princess”. I’m not seeing saddle feathers on the white one yet so…
Any others looking suspicious?

Thank you so much.


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The white one is a cockerel while the other ones appear to be pullets. The cockerel doesn't have the body type or white ear lobes which would indicate Leghorn.
Pullets for the others and the white one is not a leghorn, but a white rock (red earlobes). I am actually leaning pullet with that one. All of my rock hens had larger red combs and wattles fairly early and unless I am missing something I am not seeing saddle feathers, but I am on the fence with that one.
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I think the seller told you the truth, I think you have all girls, I'm thinking the white one is simply a fast maturing pullet, can't say anything on the breed but if @HollowOfWisps is right, she should lay brown eggs
I think the seller told you the truth, I think you have all girls, I'm thinking the white one is simply a fast maturing pullet, can't say anything on the breed but if @HollowOfWisps is right, she should lay brown eggs
The girl just got back to me and said -she- is a calico princess isa brown cross? I’m keeping her until she crows but definitely questioning this one. This is the one my rooster instantly went to bully and try to fight.
Pullets for the others and the white one is not a leghorn, but a white rock (red earlobes). I am actually leaning pullet with that one. All of my rock hens had larger red combs and wattles fairly early and unless I am missing something I am not seeing saddle feathers, but I am on the fence with that one.
I’m keeping it until it crows! But someone else saying they’re not sure if she’s a she or a he helps lol.
It's definitely not that cross, both calico princesses and isa brown hens are brown, not white

Dunno what she is, but hopefully you'll get a better idea once she (hopefully) starts laying
It's definitely not that cross, both calico princesses and isa brown hens are brown, not white

Dunno what she is, but hopefully you'll get a better idea once she (hopefully) starts laying
Definitely thought the same once I looked her up! I’m just sooo hoping it not another rooster 😅

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