How much as you selling your turkey hatching eggs for?

How much do you sell your heritage breed turkey hatching eggs for?

  • Under $1.50 an egg.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Between $1.50-$2.00

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Between $2.00-$2.50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Between $2.50-$3.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Between $3.00-$3.50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Between $3.50-$4.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than $4.00 an egg.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

A.T. Hagan

Don't Panic
12 Years
Aug 13, 2007
North/Central Florida
Another board member recently wrote me to inquire as to how much I'd sell White Midet hatching eggs for. I hadn't really considered pricing yet as my very first hatch won't happen for another week or so (I hope!) and I did not want to sell eggs before then. Anyway, to answer their question I did a quick search of folks that I could find selling heritage breed turkey hatching eggs and settled on asking $2.50 an egg which seems to be about the low middle of the prices I could find. The sample however was kind of small so now I'm wondering if perhaps I should raise or lower the price.

For you folks who sell heritage breed turkey hatching eggs what do you ask for them?

As usual the market dictates the prices. For Midget whites and other relatively rare and/or desirable heritage hatching eggs $4 is probably fair but for the time being anyway the market is pretty well saturated with hatching eggs driving the price down.

Anecdotally last year the number of turkey egg listings on Ebay...etc. was much lower. Same for craigslist. This may reflect a groundswell of people who are trying to make a few $$ in this rough economy any way they can. Many have recently gotten into poultry getting started with the "best" variety according to the fad at the time. It's a good thing but right now the MW is probably anything but endangered.
I am getting hatching eggs from the original breeding flock of the wishard standard bronze for $2.50/egg and free delivery to my door. I feel like I am robbing the man, I was expecting to pay $4-5/egg plus $20 delivery and I would have coughed it up more than willingly. It's most certainly about supply and demand, I WAS going to be asking $2.50/egg on my bourbon reds, now I am not sure, everyone in my area is at $3. (the bronze are from over the mountains, 200+ mile drive)
Great input guys! Keep it coming. I think this will help everyone who is selling hatching eggs.

Looks like I should have put in a higher price range.


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