How much time do your ducks spent in the water?

start living

In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2018

as soon as I let my ducks (6 runners) out in the morning they go straight into the pond and stay there all day long, until I feed them when it gets dark to put them in their housing. They almost never leave the pond during their time outside. Is that normal? What about yours?
As much time as is possible. This is a good thing as they are most safe from predation while on the water.
We have five Welsh Harlequin type and two domestic mallards, all girls. They are mostly in a coop/run, but we do let them out to our pond for several hours or all day. They spend more time than I’d like on land, if they are out all day. They forage and preen on the banks of the pond, where I worry that they are easy prey.
We have a "pond" in our backyard (bathing pool for large dogs). Pekin, Rouen and Runner spend probably half of the day in the pond. Our Muscovy spend less time in the water, but when they are in there it is a soak and float. The rest of the day alternates between naps under the big lantana bush, hanging out with the humans and foraging.

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