How often can l feed my chickens scrambled eggs?


12 Years
Mar 1, 2008
Texas Gulf Coast
I have some eggs left over from a few of months back that I was hording through the cold months when all I was getting was one or two eggs a day. The days are getting longer and the weather has warmed up so my hens are starting to lay again. I don't want to waste the older eggs so I've been scrambling them and feeding them to the chickens. I got to wondering if I should go easy on the scrambled eggs, if too much protein is bad for them.
I honestly don't know how much would be too much but I feed my flock of 11 about a dozen scrambled eggs about every three days. (We run a Christian camp so this is food left over from cooking for groups,not our own eggs.) The protein is particularly good for them during molting for growing back feathers.

I'll be interested to see if anyone says that you can overdo it with eggs.
Thanks for the reply. I know the hens are very aggressive when they're going after protein and seem to crave it but like all things I'm sure there's a limit to what is good for them. I too would like to know what that limit is.
I'd like to know too. I've been giving them boiled eggs every few days. They
love it. Especially with worms.
Lol. I know. I thought so too. Some say it will keep them from eating their eggs. I also read if the eggs breaks, they'll eat it anyways.
I don't think that it is too much as long as they get chicken feed or free range. I give hardboiled eggs to my little ones mixed with their feed, they love it.
I'm wondering too. I am new (3 weeks)to owning chickens, and my 4 are about 4 months now. I try to give a new food every day or so. They get eggs only about 2 times a week so far. Leftovers mostly. (what the grandbaby doesn't finish & doggies don't get leftovers).
They do love the meal worms! Walked away from earthworms on day 2. :(

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