How often do you deworm?


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2024
I have 15 week old chickens outside. I haven’t ever given them any medications. It’s hot and summer time and I’m wondering when/if I should deworm them all?

What brand and dosage if it matters?
My girls free range all day every day. We have a small wood and land of about an acre which they forage and clear, daily, of anything that moves.
I go down the natural wormer route with verm-x and associated herbal treatments (pumpkin seeds and garlic). I use these to make the environment as unpleasant as possible for worms in the hope that they won’t be able to survive happily in the environment I create for them.
I check their poops for anything that looks even vaguely suspect but, so far, all looks worm free.
Oh and I’ve had hens for all my adult life and my worming plans seem to have worked so far 🤞
I've only dewormed when I confirmed the presence (and type) of worms in the stools, so that's been twice in 8 years. So far it's just been roundworms so I use Safeguard for goats for that.

Dosage is 0.23 ml per pound for 5 days straight, or once and then again at 10 days if treating specifically for roundworm.

Some people do egg withdrawals for Safeguard (I do 2 weeks) and some don't.
What is considered frequently? Once a month, once every 3 months... ? I live in Central Florida. Plenty of rain in the afternoons. My girls free range. Most of the area is shaded.
I live in northeast Florida, swampy. I worm my birds monthly with Valbazen.
I remember using your valbazen recommendations when I first got onto this forum but I have since lost the info. Do you mind sharing your regimen again? I'm in Hawaii so climate is similar to Florida.
Will the valbazen treat eye worm as well?
I remember using your valbazen recommendations when I first got onto this forum but I have since lost the info. Do you mind sharing your regimen again? I'm in Hawaii so climate is similar to Florida.
Will the valbazen treat eye worm as well?
Please read posts #2 & #4 in this link:
For eyeworm: Mix equal parts of Valbazen and water, then flush the eyes. The dose each bird orally with 1/2ml Valbazen, repeat in 10 days.

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